Day By Day

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Pennsylvania Politics – Bad News for Santorum

Rasmussen reports that in their latest poll Santorum trails Casey by 23 points, 56% to 33%. That’s huge! What is more the poll shows that despite ideological differences Democrats are rallying behind Casey. In other words, they are trying to win the fall election and will fight things out afterwards. Meanwhile, the Republican conservative “base” remains cantankerous. One third of all Republicans refuse to support Santorum.

There are few bright spots in the poll for Santorum to grasp. For one thing, Rasmussen’s figures swing wildly. Just last month they only has Santorum 13 points down. The latest results might therefore be unreliable. And, as some have pointed out, Rickey’s job approval ratings are well ahead of his re-elect numbers.

What seems to be going on here, both in Pennsylvania and nationally, is a revolt of the Republican “base.” Already many movement conservatives are expressing the opinion that it might be a good thing for Republicans to lose the upcoming elections as a way of disciplining the leadership. That is short-sighted to the point of being insane.

It would be good for the Republican conservative “base” to pause for reflection, to think seriously about what a Democrat win in November would mean, and to remember that Al-Qaeda is the Arabic term for “the base.”

Read the Rasmussen report here.

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